Beard and Mustache Transplantation

Beard and Mustache Transplantation
About Beard and Mustache Transplantation
Beards are an inseparable part of men's faces. In addition, beards are an aesthetic accessory for men. They also help a man express himself the way he wants. And it is not always easy to get the beard looks they want. It can also become a big problem for many men. Social taboos such as men should have a beard or not have a beard are also men's approach to beards. For this reason, many men resort to beard and mustache transplantation methods.
There are many reasons why beard transplantation is necessary. Beard development is effective depending on male hormones. Sometimes health problems, sometimes genetic factors or scars caused by accidents are also effective in beard development. Open areas, sparseness or irregular appearances may occur in the beard area. Acne scars during puberty can also trigger problems. In this case, it is a significant problem for men who care about beards.
Recently, the stubble fashion has created a difficult situation for those who have beard problems. Unfortunately, this situation causes self-confidence problems among men. A beard that is missing or sparse is generally not seen as a health problem. It creates an aesthetic concern. People who have turned this into a serious problem are also likely to have mental problems. As our health service provider Emseclinic company, we produce solutions to your problems.
How is Beard and Mustache Transplantation Done?
Beard and Mustache Transplantation is performed by transplanting hair follicles taken from another part of the body, like hair transplantation, to the problematic parts in the beard area. This method is generally successful when applied to people with sparse beards or those who do not grow beards at all. Especially men with sparse beards and mustaches want this method.
Since the FUE Technique used in hair transplantation is used in Beard and Mustache Transplantation, it is performed extremely comfortably. Since local anesthesia is used during this procedure, no pain is felt.
Which Techniques Are Applied in Beard and Mustache Transplantation?
Two methods are applied for Beard and Mustache Transplantation. The first is DHI (Direct Hair Root Transplantation) and the other is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) techniques. The common point of both techniques is the collection of individual grafts (follicle units) from the donor area at the back of the head. Then, they are transplanted to the problematic area.
1. In the DHI (Direct Hair Root Transplantation) Technique, after our surgeon collects the hair roots one by one, they are transplanted to the desired areas one by one with a device called Choi Pen.
2. In the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) Technique, the surgeon opens micro incisions in the problematic area after removing your hair roots one by one and places the previously collected hair roots into these incisions.
Since both procedures are light operations, they are performed under local anesthesia. Therefore, they do not cause pain. The incisions made during Beard and Moustache Transplantation do not require stitches. Therefore, the recovery period is quite short. You can create a plan for the procedure by talking to your surgeon and telling him the density and shape you want in your beard or mustache.
What to Consider During Beard and Moustache Transplantation?
In the Beard and Moustache Transplantation operation, the hair roots to be transplanted must be suitable for the beard and moustache area. Because the hair roots in the beard area are different from the hair roots to be taken from the donor and are thinner. For this reason, the most suitable and most preferred source hair roots are the hair roots in the neck area and the nape area. The priority is always in the neck area. In addition, placing the hair roots to be transplanted at the right angle is one of the points to be considered. In this way, a more natural appearance is obtained.
Services Offered to You by Our Company
If you have decided to have a Beard and Moustache Transplantation, as Emsecilinic company, we offer you special assistant services with our expert team. We transfer you to the hotel you will stay with our VIP vehicles that will welcome you from the moment you arrive in our country. We make sure that the hotel you will stay is close to the hospital where you will have the operation. We also help you not to have any difficulties in communication by providing interpreter service. There is also a special health personnel to help you in the hospital. We provide you with comfort and convenience together with our special services such as city tours with our special vehicles. If you would like to meet our expert team who plans down to the smallest detail in this process and benefit from our services, you can contact us.
Beard and Mustache Transplantation Things You Wonder About
Before - After
Check out the difference before and after the procedure.
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