Pre and Post-Bichectomy Operation Processes

Pre and Post-Bichectomy Operation Processes

Pre and Post-Bichectomy Operation Processes

What is Bishectomy Operation?

Bishectomy Operation, known as cheek aesthetics, is a procedure performed to make the facial features more proportional. It is performed when the person has U-shaped or square facial features and full cheeks and wants their cheekbones to be more prominent. As a result of this operation, the person's facial features gain a sharper appearance. In addition, people have a sharp facial line by removing their cheek fat. In addition, the so-called Hollywood cheek is applied to other parts of the face other than the cheek. These operations are applied to all women and men over the age of 25. People must be healthy and not smoke.

What are the Advantages of Bishectomy Operation?

Bishectomy Operations are quite short-lived and people can continue their lives on the same day. Since local anesthesia is applied in these procedures, side effects related to anesthesia are not observed. Even if the person who undergoes this operation gains weight, there is no change in their facial features. Bishectomy Operation gives people a thin facial line and the healing process is quite fast and involves a process that does not leave any scars.

What are the Disadvantages of Bishectomy?

Although Bishectomy Operations are a safe and short-term surgical procedure, they carry risks such as bleeding and infection. Although very rare, conditions such as damage to the salivary gland, fluid accumulation under the skin, and restriction of mouth opening may also be encountered.

What is the Process Before Bishectomy Operation?

Some points should be taken into consideration before Bishectomy Operation. For example, the person should clearly explain to his/her doctor what he/she expects from this operation. In addition, if the patient has a chronic disease or a medication he/she uses, he/she should inform his/her doctor. He/she should also inform his/her doctor about any previous surgery, allergies, smoking and alcohol use. This information is very important for the doctor. Your doctor needs this information to know the risks and to perform the correct procedure during the recovery period. Before undergoing Bishectomy Operation, the person should examine and research his/her doctor's other surgery examples and other procedures he/she has performed.

What is the Process After Bishectomy Operation?

As with every surgery, patients who have undergone Bishectomy Operation should pay attention to some points after the procedures performed. People are discharged after the operation. Antibiotics are given to prevent infection due to the incision in the mouth. This antibiotic should be used regularly. In addition, the most important thing to pay attention to during the healing process is oral hygiene. Pressure bandage application should continue for at least 120 minutes after the surgery. Then, it is recommended to apply cold for 72 hours in addition. It is recommended to apply this cold application every 4 hours for 15 minutes. The person who has undergone the operation should avoid heavy exercise and physical activities for the first week. Attention should be paid to eating liquid and soft foods. The incisions heal one week after the procedure. However, there may be edema in the cheek area for 2 or 3 weeks. Cold application should definitely be applied to eliminate edema.

Why Should You Prefer Turkey and Istanbul for Bishectomy Operation?

Turkey has recently been one of the countries preferred by many foreign tourists coming from abroad to have Bishectomy Operation.

Turkey and Istanbul, which have a strong medical infrastructure and are advanced in terms of tourism, are among the first places preferred for people who want to have Bishectomy Operation. Turkey's fame in terms of tourism and civilizations has caused it to become a touristic attraction center. In addition, many people who want to visit the historical places of Istanbul contribute to the attractiveness of our country. There are many hospitals and clinics with the latest technology in Istanbul. The presence of famous doctors is also one of the reasons why patients prefer Istanbul and Turkey for Bishectomy Operation. In addition, one of the reasons why patients prefer Istanbul is the cost. Surgeries in Istanbul are quite reasonable and affordable compared to other countries. In addition, Turkey and Istanbul generally have an excellent health system. In addition to the health system, the provision of health services is one of the reasons why Istanbul is preferred. As Emseclinic Company, we offer you many health services. For example, we offer many health services such as transfer service with VIP vehicles for transportation from the hotel and airport, translation service, health personnel service. One of the reasons why Turkey and Istanbul are preferred for Bishectomy Operation is the ease of the Turkish payment system. Payments are made in cash in Turkey. In addition, credit card payments can be made in many hospitals in Istanbul using the currency you want. If you have decided to have Bishectomy Operation, you can also benefit from the historical and cultural richness of Istanbul.

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